when kate and i moved to the vermont countryside, i started talking, half-jokingly, about the idea of building a small treehouse in the woods behind our house.
then it turned out that yestermorrow design/build school offers a treehouse building class, which i took in the summer of 2019 with wonderful instructors erik hegre and drew suljak.
equipped with some new skills and confidence, and having spent a couple of years sketching ideas, i planned to build my own treehouse in the summer of 2020. but we all remember what happened that year.
not feeling up to a massive construction project, i instead went back to yestermorrow to take another class, this one on timber framing with great instructors Sean Dalton, Matthew Agrella-Sevilla, and Hank Silver. so i wound up redesigning my treehouse idea to combine some techniques i learned from the treehouse class with some of the ones i learned from the timber framing class.
in 2021, i finally started what i was sure was going to be a one-summer project. it was not.
over the next four summers, with lots of advice and some physical assistance from some dear friends, the treehouse came into existence. as it did, i experienced what were probably the highest highs and lowest lows i’ve ever had in any construction project—it turns out that trees make for really temperamental collaborators. but now the treehouse is ready for visitors, so come on over!
construction photos and story at instagram.com/kateandeugene